Week 5 - Day 3

(6) Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. (7) Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Reading: As we near the end of 1 Peter we need to be reminded of the theme of this letter: hope in the midst of suffering. Throughout this letter Peter has prepared the Church that suffering is coming, and is in fact here, but there is hope because God, in his great mercy, has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade (1 Peter 1:3b-4a). 

Today we read about a different form of suffering that comes from within us -- anxiety. All of us deal with some degree of anxiety. In its simplest form, anxiety is a lack of contentment and/or control. When things seem overwhelming, out of our control, or do not seem to have a solution, we can get very anxious. The “what ifs” creep into our mind and control our thoughts. It can be something as simple as a test or game coming up, something more serious like our health, or something completely out of our control like the weather. These feelings are real and they come from within us, but God tells us how we can effectively deal with these anxious feelings. 

First, we need to humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand. We talked about this yesterday and it is worth repeating because this is the most important part of the Christian life.  We humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand by understanding that God is all knowing, all wise, and all powerful. We must trust him completely with our life and give our life fully to him.  We do not know what’s best for us today or tomorrow, so we trust God with our circumstances and our lot in this life. This command is accompanied with a promise that, “he will lift you up in due time”.  Yes, you may suffer now, you may hurt now, you may not have all the answers now, but you will be lifted up in the end! This is the good news of the gospel, that no matter your earthly situation, whoever puts their faith and trust in Jesus Christ our Lord has been granted eternal life!

Next, trust him because he cares for you! The same God that delivered his people from Egypt by parting the Red Sea cares about you!  The same God that gave up his one and only son to redeem the world, did it for you! Jesus says it like this in Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”  There’s no question that God loves all his creation and all the creatures of the earth, but he cares much deeper about you, whom he has created in his image. Trust him with ALL of your life because he cares for you.  

And then also, cast all your anxiety on him. If you can learn to put into practice the first two, you will clear up over 90% of your anxiety. But many will still have those one or two things that keep them up at night. The last step is to cast all your anxiety on God! Go to him in prayer and give them to him! Tell him “I’m giving you these worries, doubts, and problems because I cannot deal with them and you can”.  

The sad reality is that so many in our world do not know this God! They do not know the mighty hand of our God!  They do not believe that there is a God who loves them and cares deeply about them. And they do not believe there is a God who will actually take all their worries and anxieties on his shoulders. As Christians, we have the best news to share with the world! This God does exist, and he is revealed in the life of Jesus Christ! May we trust this God and share this God with those who do not know him.

Reflection:  In what area of your life is it hardest to trust God?

What do you normally do when anxiety creeps in? What can you do instead? 

Prayer Prompt: Thank you, Father, for your mighty hand that is in control. Help me to trust that you care for me. Give me hope when I lose sight of your promise to lift me up. I give my anxieties to you today. Help me not to pick them back up tomorrow.