Support Full Count Teams abroad

The teams listed below are owned and operated internationally under the umbrella of Full Count Ministries.

Although there are numerous communities and teams in which we host Full Count Discipleship Groups, these teams go another step deeper by committing themselves to be disciples who make disciples. These teams represent a group of men focused on the Great Commission.

Each of these teams has a code of conduct in which they commit to live by on and off the field, host regular discipleship groups, and have the mindset of growing in their faith SO THAT they can join new teams in the future and reach more men with the Gospel.

Your sponsorship goes to helping alleviate barriers for these men to participate on their teams by helping provide uniforms, bibles to each player, discipleship material, umpire costs, food for game days, baseballs, bats and other necessary equipment.

$1500 provides a Complete Season Sponsorship for one of our seven teams.
  • Full Count Guerreros - MOSONTE, NICARAGUA

    One of our more long-standing teams, the Gurreros are led by staff members Alex Montiel & Wilmer Lopez. This team is based out of our Mission House in Mosonte, where many of their players train & fellowship weekly.

    This team regularly raises up leaders to leave the Gurerros to join new teams to help start discipleship groups in new places.

    Discipleship Group: Saturday Nights

    Last Mission Trip Visit: July 14th-21st, 2024

  • Full Count Potros - El Triunfo, Honduras

    One of our younger teams, this is our only team in the country of Honduras led by one of our staff members, Mario Gonzalez. Over the last year, Mario has seen fruit in raising up more leaders (Alejandro - far right first row) among his team in an area very difficult to receiving the Gospel.

    This past summer, Mario was able to baptize one of his players (back row, 3rd from left) Junior.

    Discipleship Group: Monday Nights

    Last Mission Trip Visit: June 8th-16th, 2024

  • Full Count El Melonar - Somoto, Nicaragua

    El Melonar is a community Full Count has been involved in for the last 5-6 years, led by one of our staff members Jairo Rubio.

    Always one of the more competitive teams in our annual tournament hosted by Full Count, El Melonar will kick off their season towards the end of August hoping to repeat their undefeated championship season last year.

    Discipleship Group: Thursdays

    Last Mission Trip Visit: July 20-27th, 2024

  • Full Count Los Padres - Totogalpa, Nicaragua

    Another long standing team operating under the umbrella of Full Count, the Los Padres are led by our staff member Norvin Gutierrez. Norvin is very engaged among all the baseball teams in Totogalpa.

    The Lord has shown us a great harvest among this team as many players have come to receive Christ and get involved in the local church in Totogalpa led by another one of our staff members, Francisco David.

    Discipleship Group: Friday Evenings

    Last Mission Trip Visit: June 22-29th, 2024

  • Ritmo Chinandega - Chinandega, Nicaragua

    Full Count Ritmo Chinandega was birthed out of an indoor facility, La Forja, in Chinandega led by our staff member Adam Spates.

    This team is a tight-knit group that has continued to reach more and more baseball players in their community. Players from this team have even begun reaching new teams and players in the surrounding areas. Ritmo Chinandega is also reigning champions of the Full Count Tourneo Nicaraguense. Their league starts August 25th.

    La Forja: Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

    Discipleship Group: Thursday Nights

    Last Mission Trip Visit: June 8th-16th, 2024

  • Ritmo Ocote - Macuelizo, Nicaragua

    Ritmo Ocote is led by our staff member, Arcenio Ponce Rodriguez.

    This team is rooted in a very rural community that is difficult to reach, however, God has raised up Arcenio to use baseball as a tool to reach men from various villages with the Gospel. Their league will begin towards the end of August.

    Discipleship Group: Friday Nights

    Last Mission Trip Visit: June 15th-22nd

  • Full Count Zapote - Zapote, Nicaragua

    Our only Full Count team internationally not led by a Full Count Staff Member, leaders Alvaro & Evelio are faithful workers in God’s kingdom within this very rural community.

    Often times, these players will walk roughly 2 hours one way to play our mission teams. Supported by staff member Wilmer Lopez, God has used this team to reach villages with the Gospel even further away through the game of baseball.

    Discipleship Group: Thursdays

    Last Mission Trip Visit: July 14th-21st, 2024

  • El Proximo: "The Next Team"

    As a ministry, we are consistently praying for the Lord to open new areas of opportunity, not only in Nicaragua & Honduras, but around the world.

    Sponsoring El Primo directly provides us with the funds ready to go for the next team the Lord may bring our way who is seeking to use the game for the sake of the Gospel.