Week 6 - Day 2

(3) His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (4) Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

Reading: Sabermetrics changed the narrative of creating a competitive edge in Major League Baseball in the early 2000s. Most notably publicized by the movie Moneyball, sabermetrics began to provide “the why” behind the numbers. First utilized by Billy Beane and the Oakland Athletics, teams began leveraging this new-found formula of statistical analysis to tap into the very best players had to offer. Now, players who knew they had a good curveball, knew specifically why their curveball was effective and even when the best time to use their curveball was. Sabermetrics became the key to unlocking a new era in the baseball world.

Peter mentions God’s “divine power” to begin our devotional today — and it sounds incredibly powerful! He says that “his power gives us everything we need for life and godliness” (v.3). He goes on to say that through his power, he has given us “great and precious promises”, the ability to “participate in divine nature” and even a way to “escape corruption in the world” (v.4).  It is such a blessing knowing that we serve a God who is powerful enough to defeat sin and give us everything we need to live the life he has called us to. Everything! The same power that spoke all of creation into existence, parted the seas, brought manna from heaven and rose the dead to life is even available to us today — but what is the key to experiencing it?

Peter says that this power and the blessings that flow from it come “through our knowledge of him”(v.3). Our knowing of Christ is the way to which we begin to experience all the riches of the goodness of God. At this point, you may be thinking to yourself, “I know who Jesus is, but I don’t feel like I experience these things I’m reading in 2 Peter.” Knowing Christ is more than just knowing about Jesus, it is truly having a relationship with him. Think back to what we read in 1 Peter 1:23 — “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” A relationship with Christ gives us a new mind to think how Christ thinks, a heart to love how Christ loves, and eyes to see how Christ sees. 

Look further than being a “fan” or knowing facts about God. Coming to know who Jesus is isn’t a ticket to this abundance of power. Furthermore, we have to think about what this power is for. Worldly people tend to think this power is for ourselves, but Godly people know that it is for God’s glory to endure suffering and present hardships to make God’s name greater - not ours. How do we get “charged-up” with this power? It’s in the quiet times with the Lord that he strengthens us to live a godly life. It is through spending time in his Word that he equips us to escape the corruption of the world. It’s with the body of believers. It is through our steadfastness in seeking him that leads us to the precious promises of scripture. And the mountaintop of God’s power is rooted in knowing Jesus Christ — our Lord and Savior – and what he did for us on the cross through sacrifice. There is no greater power available to us as believers in Christ than knowing him, knowing that he loved us so much that he died for us, and walking in step with him daily. He is a risen king and wants you to join him in the work of the kingdom today. Get to know him!

Reflection: The Holy Spirit is the vessel in which we communicate with Christ and interact with him daily. We believe that when we put our faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit teaches, comforts, and encourages us in our walk with God. The Spirit leads us in the molding process as God shapes our hearts and minds to look more like his own. This is the power of God working in and through us. Galatians 5:16-26 speaks on living by “the Spirit”. Write down some key words and phrases from this passage to discover the ways the Spirit displays God’s power in our lives.

(1) v.16: “…live by the Spirit, and __________________”

(2) v.18: “..if you are led by the Spirit, ___________________”

(3) v.22: “But the fruit of the Spirit is ___________________”

(4) v.25: “Since we live by the Spirit, let us ___________________”

What are some areas of your life where you are relying on your strength instead of God’s power?

Prayer Prompt: Lord — you are the only way! You have offered us such a great and precious gift in having a relationship with you. Please help me to remember how special my relationship is with you and mold my heart to have a spirit of thanksgiving towards you. Help me, Father, to continue leaning not into my own strength, but yours. Help me realize that everything I need is rooted in a relationship with you and nothing else. You have given us everything we need for godliness — thank you so much for that! Mold my life to resemble yours, and keep me in tune with the Spirit. I love you, Jesus. Give my heart the desire to know you better!