Adam & Charli Spates
Missionary Family in Chinandega, Nicaragua
Adam was born and raised in the small town of Harpersville, Al. After marrying his wife Charli, he then moved to and lived in Dadeville, Alabama for 15 years where his two sons Addison and John Pilgrim (JP) were born.
He worked as a Field Service Rep for Alabama Power Company for fourteen years while being heavily involved in his church and community.
He served as worship leader for the young adults, and he and Charli also served as Children’s Pastors. One of his favorite things to do in Dadeville was to coach and serve on the board in their local youth baseball/softball league.
Adam grew up in a Christian family and was saved at age 9. He served on his first mission trip at age 17 to Buenas Aires, Argentina and has served in many more since, both abroad and in country, creating a love in him for missions. After his Father, Randy Spates, attended the first ever Promise Keepers men’s event in 1992, Randy started doing men’s ministry all over the state of Alabama. Adam had the opportunity to be alongside his dad during this time which gave birth to a heart for men’s ministry. After growing up playing the game of baseball and having a passion for the game, it only made sense to combine his love for missions, men’s ministry, and baseball, and go on a mission trip to Nicaragua in 2017 with Full Count. It was there on that trip to the mountains of Las Mesas, Nicaragua that God confirmed his calling to be a foreign missionary. Since that moment, he and his family have let go of what binds them to Alabama, spent 8 months in Mexico at Roca Blanca Spanish School, interned for the summer with Full Count, and have made the move to Chinandega, Nicaragua where they are serving full time as Full Count’s first missionaries sent from the USA. Please pray for their family as they live their lives to reach every baseball player in the Chinandega region of Nicaragua.